VUSD Career Education Pathway Logos
Ventura Unified School District’s wide variety of Career Education Programs help to spark students’ innate interests in real-world opportunities whether they’re headed for college or career. Career Education helps students build a wealth of first-hand experiences that guide them toward finding their calling and foster their natural ability to use and improve on their individual creative and problem-solving skill sets.
Before you can have a successful career education program, you have to show students and parents how useful and truly life-changing this pathway can be, and encourage enrollment. This cohesive branded set of career education logos helps to unify the program and simultaneously give each pathway their own unique look within the defined guidelines and color palette.
Backing badges of various sizes and colors are paired with uniquely designed black and white illustrations and 3D text titles that pop off the artboard, a style that perfectly blends to fit with the Career Education and VUSD branding while offering a unique, fresh take on these pathways that draw in teachers, parents and students alike.
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