Port of Hueneme Website

Port of Hueneme Website

The only commercial deep water port between Los Angeles and San Francisco, the Port of Hueneme is one of the top 10 U.S. ports for automobiles and produce.

Redesigning the Port of Hueneme’s website was an undertaking with many stakeholders and required elements. From regulatory compliance to a desire for a more flexible design and easier updating, the Searle team had our work cut out for us. Bringing the key pillars of the Port to the forefront of the design by making them the focus of navigation—made the port and its website feel more approachable and welcoming. Visitors are introduced to pillar concepts including economic vitality, infrastructure, environment, innovation & technology, social equity community & partners and can clearly see their place in the port’s mission and vision.

Perhaps the most important aspect of this project was implementing a content management system (CMS) and responsive design that ensured the Port of Hueneme’s website would be easy to update, load quickly and correctly on any device, and meet all security, stability, and accessibility requirements.

Our favorite parts of this project include a filterable employee directory, an enhanced and updated vessel schedule, and upgraded Spanish translation that allows for synced manual overrides where needed.

Project Categories:

Image displaying the Port of Hueneme's website on a desktop monitor, laptop, and smartphone. Website showcases port infrastructure with cranes and ships, with the slogan "WE MAKE CARGO MOVE" prominently featured.

Explore the Port of Huenemes website with an intuitive navigation menu, showcasing images of ships and cranes. Stay informed with news updates and subscribe to our newsletter. Access essential information swiftly through our quick links.