Oxnard Union High School District Website
The Oxnard Union High School District consists of 11 high schools, making WordPress MU a logical choice for managing their online presence.
WordPress MU provides intuitive site management; centralizing everything from themes and dependencies, to online marketing infrastructure, to publishing extensions and tools, to shared resources between schools in the OUHSD. At the same time, each School still has the latitude to craft it’s own identity, rich media and content, and online presence.
The OUHSD also runs a very successful Career Technical Education Program with over 70 programs. These span everything from robotics to agriculture and medical fields and help students focus on potential career pathways.
In development, implementing the design system for the CTE program challenged us to create cohesive templating on the front-end that could also be easily maintained by each school’s administrative staff on the back. Each pathway is set up to be flexible enough to allow for editorial/creative freedom at the school level while unifying everything through consistent layout, creative elements, and UI components. Content is nested at the program level for each school, then at the school level, then at the district level (under the CTE program itself). Visitors to any of the district websites are never more than a few clicks away from comparing options at any school in the OUHSD.
The clear navigation between the multiple pathways and schools improves overall usability and boosts local SEO. This makes each school’s content highly discoverable; surfacing rich media like video and social media embeds across multiple platforms and search verticals. With one of our goals being improved enrollment; we’ve taken advantage of that high-visibility to pepper calls to action throughout each pathway, in ways that are almost 100% effortless and hands free for school staff.
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