Outdoor Locker Wraps at Thousand Oaks Library

Outdoor Locker Wraps at Thousand Oaks Library

With a global pandemic ongoing, people spend more time than ever indoors and in quarantine. The City of Thousand Oaks turned to smart technology to help give their residents an easy, no contact way to deliver their library books and materials, keeping adults and children engaged and reading. They installed a smart locker system, for readers to pick up their books outside, 24/7.

Boasting a bright, colorful, retro palette and design featuring a sea of books and library materials this locker delights library-goers and is a wonderful, fun way for them to unlock their next read. Designing this bilingual layout was complex but rewarding, due to several locker doors, gutters, and limitations within the template for placing text.

Award Winner - Addy American Advertising Awards
Project Categories:

Thousand Oaks Library Outdoor Locker in Walkway
Thousand Oaks Library Outdoor Locker Wrap Design Specs