CBS NorthStar Video

CBS NorthStar Video

Adding video to your website and social media campaigns can have a huge impact in several ways. A primary way we see video helping is in the area of Search Engine Optimization. With their keywords, metadata and back-linking, videos posted on the home page of a website can have a strong positive effect on traffic. Not to mention, videos with engaging, relevant content keep customers on your site – and immersed in your brand – longer. For this reason, we highly encourage the use of video. We film and produce videos right here at Searle Creative, and we can also shoot at your location.

CBS NorthStar has an amazing restaurant point of sale platform called NorthStar Order Entry, but this product offers so many robust features that it is nearly impossible to convey its depth of usefulness with text content and images alone. A more effective method of delivery was to put all of the highlights of the product into video format – so that NorthStar customers can quickly and easily digest what the product is and why it will work for their restaurant. For this particular video, we did storyboard, scripting, voice over, animation, filming, editing and production, all in house.

Services Used

  • Ad design
  • Large format graphics
  • Brochures
  • Email campaigns
  • Webinar automation with SalesFusion
  • Photo shoot coordination and direction
  • Podcast introduction
  • Poster design
  • PowerPoint design
  • Product screenshot mockups
  • Promotional items
  • Stationery design
  • Video production
  • Website design
  • Responsive website development
  • Video prodution
Project Categories:
Play Video