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If I could say one thing to my patients,
it's welcome.
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At Bold Health, we really try and create
a space that feels completely welcoming.
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No matter where somebody is.
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The most important starting point
for any of our work
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is that we really want to meet the patient
where the patient is at, and we really
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want to help the patient figure out
what he or she wants for himself.
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Here at Bold Health, we really value
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the intrinsic worth of every human being,
no matter whether they're suffering
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with depression
or psychosis or substance abuse.
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Our primary focus is on rehabilitation
and recovery
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in a sense that really honors
the health of the human inside.
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Both health
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is radically different than, I would say,
any mental health facility out there.
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Most patients come into treatment
looking for
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symptom reduction at Bold Health.
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That's the starting line.
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We help people who are dealing
with any sort of behaviors that
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they're engaged in, and they want to
change that they want to move away from.
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So we're going to work
to get your depression better.
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We're going to work
to get you detoxed and off of substances.
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But the real value of coming to bold
health is that you're going to have
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a clear understanding of you as a human.
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It's such a bold act for someone
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to say, I'm going to make a call.
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Schedule an appointment
and show up to look in.
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We don't have a real cookie cutter
kind of treatment program.
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It is really our mission
to make sure that we help our clients
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get the care that they need, and give them
the best opportunity for health.
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We're here to hold hope
even when you don't have any.